Saturday, September 15, 2007

Stepmothers, Stepfathers, Stepfamilies

Welcome to my blog! Let me begin by briefly introducing myself. I am a stepmothers and mom of a 9 year old stepson and a 3 year old son.

I have been a stepmother for almost 6 years and let me tell you, it hasn't always been easy!

I am a young stepmother (let's just say I was under 25 years old when I became a stepmom) and have no friends who are stepmothers, so it was very difficult in the beginning to talk to anyone about the issues or problems I was dealing with.

I searched the Internet for resources and found a few websites and message boards for stepparents. I found one great message board called StepTogether, which is great!

However, it's been hard to find more than a few great resources on the web, so I thought I might try to help other stepparents, especially stepmothers, by starting this blog and sharing insights and resources that I have found helpful.

If you have any questions or would like to talk about issues you might have with your stepkids, the birth mothers or fathers, blended families, etc., please feel free to leave a comment!

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