Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Both kids went trick-or-treating and had a great time.

Birth mom called before trick-or-treating and we thought it was to say Happy Halloween to my stepson and see what he was doing. Oh no. It couldn't be for a sweet and motherly reason.

She didn't even ask my stepson about Halloween or what he was going to do. She had to tell my husband that my stepson would be spending the weekend with her relatives because she works all weekend and she wanted to find out if my husband could give him some money to spend because her relatives would be taking him to some flea markets and he needed money to buy stuff. What a piece of work.

He's going to her relatives and they are taking him somewhere, but we are supposed to pay for stuff. Makes a lot of sense.

Maybe if we were able to supervise his spending and make sure the item he bought wasn't used by birth mom or by her other son (who was previously known as her "brother") who lives with her or thrown away in the trash, then maybe we would think about giving him some spending money.

But I think for the simple fact that it's her weekend and her relatives, she is obligated to provide money, not us! We aren't Fanny Mae, ready to provide loans when she doesn't have money.

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